
What Is A Poker Bot

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  • Poker bot for Holdem and Omaha poker online. The robot itself finds poker tables, connects the corresponding table map and starts the game according to the loaded profile.You get more than 100 profiles of the bot, more than 100 table maps for all the big poker rooms, which you can try during the trial. Trial software works 5 minutes! Bot plays all kinds of hold'em poker.
  • Poker bot for Holdem and Omaha poker online. The robot itself finds poker tables, connects the corresponding table map and starts the game according to the loaded profile.You get more than 100 profiles of the bot, more than 100 table maps for all the big poker rooms, which you can try during the trial. Trial software works 5 minutes! Bot plays all kinds of hold'em poker.

Feb 20, 2021 The most advanced poker bot ever developed is for sale here. Our Holdem Bot has been downloaded a half-million times since 2007. Theres a reason we still have the largest user base.

Turn your Discord Server into a Poker Club!

Manage members' play chip wallets and use them integrated with Poker Now.

By using the Poker Now Discord Bot you agree with our terms of service.

Manage Member Wallets

What is a poker bot play

Each member of your Discord will have a wallet that the owner can add or remove chips to that can be used on special integrated games with Poker Now. Members can also transfer chips between themselves. The owner can add an unlimited quantity of play chips.

Chips History Control

You will be able to check a member’s chip balance and the chips movement history anytime you want. You will also have the ability to define one of your channels as a chips movements log channel.

Fully Integrated with Poker Now

What Is A Poker Bottles

You will be able to create new tables any time you want. These tables will be completely integrated with Poker Now and your Discord Server Wallets. There’s no limitation on the number of tables.

What Is A Poker Bot Discord

Bot's Commands Reference
!pn-help!phShow all commands.
!pn-club-infos [games]!pciGeneral information about this poker club. Specify 'games' to list the club's games and their chip counts.
!pn-chips-rank [all]!pcrThe top 10 chips leaderboard. Specify 'all' to download the ranking for all players.
!pn-new-game (small-blind)/(big-blind)!pngCreate a game integrated with this Discord server's wallets. The bot will reply with a link to the room.
!pn-add-chips (user-mention) (quantity)!pacOnly admins. Add chips to a member's wallet.
!pn-remove-chips (user-mention) (quantity)!prcOnly admins. Remove chips from a member's wallet.
!pn-transfer-chips (option)!ptcTransfer chips to another member.

Do `!ptc (receiver-mention) (quantity)` to transfer chips to the specified member.

Repeat with `!ptc confirm (receiver-mention)` if require_confirmation is enabled.

Admins or the recipient can do `cancel (sender-mention) (receiver-mention)` to cancel unconfirmed transactions.

!pn-wallet [user-mention] [all]!pwDisplays a player's wallet and last 5 chip movements. Specify 'all' to download all chip movements.
!pn-beg-chips!pbcBeg for chips from the Poker Now Discord Bot, if it is allowed.
!pn-promote-admin (user-mention)!ppaOnly owner. Promote a member to club admin (they will be able to edit anyone's wallet).
!pn-revoke-admin (user-mention)!praOnly owner. Demote a member from club admin.
!pn-check-username [user-mention]!pcuSyncs your Discord username with Poker Now.
!pn-config (option)!pcOnly owner. Configure club options as follows:

Do `!pc use_cents` or `!pc no_cents` to define if the club should denominate all chips with two decimal places.

Do `!pc beg_amount (value)` to define the daily chips beg amount.

Do `!pc allow_no_zeroed` or `!pc deny_no_zeroed` to define if players with a non-zero amount of chips can beg.

Do `!pc log_channel (#channel)` to log wallet movements to a channel. Leave blank to disable.

Do `!pc require_confirmation` or `!pc no_confirmation` to define if !pn-transfer-chips, or !ptc, requires confirmation.

!pn-transfer-ownership-and-yes-i-am-really-sure-stop-making-this-difficult (user-mention)Only owner. Transfer club ownership.

Arguments between ( ) are required, arguments between [ ] are optional

What Is A Poker Bottom

Disclaimer:The information on this website is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken as financial advice. Although we believe the math is correct, it could be wrong and/or out of date. Variance plays a significant role in online gambling and results will vary widely from person to person. Any results or potential earnings mentioned here are not typical. Luck is a factor so pursue the contents of this website at your own risk. Online gambling may not be legal where you live so please check with your local laws. This website is in no way affiliated with any of the casinos or poker rooms that our products support. Using our software may be against the Terms of Service of the websites our software supports. You bear the sole responsibility for potential loss of funds, be it from gambling losses or from account seizure by the gaming site that you use our software at. Under no circumstances will we reimburse you for any lost funds. Our software comes with a free demo period and all license sales are final.