
Texas Poker Flush Tie

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General concepts to keep in mind:

  • Some hands don’t have a possible tie breaker scenario in Texas Hold’em Poker. Which may be different in other forms of Poker.
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HAND:Royal Flush
– A tie break is not possible as two players cannot have a Royal Flush in Texas Hold’em Poker.
– If the dealer deals a Royal Flush via the 5 community cards, then the pot is split amongst all players.
HAND: Straight Flush
– A tie break is not possible as two players cannot have a Straight Flush which is ranked the same in Texas Hold’em Poker.
– If the dealer deals a Straight Flush via the 5 community cards, then the pot is split amongst all players provided no player holds a Royal Flush (meaning the Straight Flush is the strongest hand on the table).
– If two Players have a Straight Flush, then the higher Straight Flush wins (the Straight Flush ending in the highest ranked card).
Texas Poker Flush Tie
HAND: Four of a Kind
– A tie is not possible as two players cannot have a matching Four of a Kind except in the case where a dealer deals Four of a Kind via community cards.
– If this happens, then the Kicker comes into place, whichever player holds the highest ranked card when looking at their hole cards wins.
– If the 5th community card the “Kicker on the board”is higher than any of the players hole cards, then the pot is split.
HAND: Full House
– If two players have the same Full House, the pot is split always.
– The strength of the Full House is determined by the 3 matching cards first, followed by the 2 matching cards (pair). Example of Full House K-K-K-A-A beats K-K-K-9-9 and so fourth. A-A-A-K-K beats K-K-K-A-A.
– A Kicker is not used to determine a winner for and identical Full House in Texas Hold’em Poker, therefore the pot is split.
– It’s not possible for two or more players to have the same Flush in Texas Hold’em Poker.
– If two players have a Flush, the highest Flush wins (the Flush with the highest Ranked Card taking into account the players Hole Cards and Community Cards).
If the dealer deals a Flush via Community Cards and it’s the highest Flush when taking into account all Players Hole Cards, the pot is split amongst all players in the hand.
– Highest Flush is determined by the players cards combined with the board cards taking into account the highest combination of the two.
– For example the board shows a Flush of Ah-Jh-8h-7h-6h. Player A has a Kh and 2h. Player B has a 10h and 9h. Player A wins because we supplement their Kh to complete the hand making his flush the highest.
HAND: Straight
– In the event that two players or more have the same Straight via community cards the pot is split.
– If two or more players make a Straight using their hole cards and community cards, then the highest Straight wins. The Straight ending in the highest ranked card.
– In any case where a Straight ends in the highest ranked cards among all players regardless of suit, the pot is split.

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HAND: Three of a Kind
– If two or more players have the same Three of a Kind (suit does not matter in this hand) Then the fourth highest card (one of the players Hole Cards or a community card, whichever is higher ranked) is used to determine the winner.
– If there is a tie between the fourth strongest card (highest ranked card) then the fifth card is used.
– If there is a time between the fifth card, the pot is split (this would be extremely rare).
HAND: Two Pair
– If two or more players have the same Two Pair (suit does not matter in this hand) Then the fifth highest card (one of the Players Hole Cards or a Community Card) is used to determine the winner.
– If player have the same kickers, or if the community card is the highest card, then the pot is split.
HAND: High Card
– In the event that all players have the same identical 5 cards in Texas Hold’em Poker the pot is split. This would be extremely rare.
– In any other case the players hole cards are used to determine the winner. The highest hole card wins.

Hi to all our readers. It’s high time to continue speaking about the amazing poker world. We are going to refer to an iconic hand in poker, the royal flush. And what is a royal flush in poker? It’s just the best possible hand in the game. So, pay attention to the article to know all relative to this winning hand in the most addictive card game ever.

If you are a player who is used to playing the poker variations Texas Hold’em or Omaha, then you should know that this hand is almost unbeatable as it is the strongest hand in the game. However, it doesn’t mean that you will win for sure. In fact, believe it or not, you can tie.


First, we are going to explain how a royal flush is formed. From the point of view of statistics, it is one of the least frequent card combination that can occur when playing poker. To form it, you will need 10, J, Q, K, A and all of them must correspond to the same suit. Sounds hard, isnt’it?

In order to fully understand the value of your hand it is important for you to know by heart all the information related to the ranking of the hands in poker, so that you will be able to bet and play with the right information. Read carefully the following list.

Poker Royal Flush Tie

  • Straight: a hand formed by the combination of 5 consecutive card with at least one of different suit. It beats doible pair and it’s defeated by color or flush.
  • Flush or color: a hand formed by the combination of 5 cards of the same suit but not all of them with consecutive value number.
  • Poker: a hand formed by the combination of 4 cards with the same value number. Even though this hand bear the name of the game, it is not the best possible hand, yet it’s really strong. The main expression of the hand, poker of aces, beats everything except color straight and royal flush.
  • Straight flush: A really strong hand in poker only beaten by the royal flush. You can read more about it here.

As we stated before, Royal Flush cannot be defeated facing another poker hand. However, in Texas Hold’em it can tie. And how is it possible? Well, it all depends on the community cards. In Hold’em this hand doesn’t depend entirely on our hand.

In Omaha, there’s no such a thing as a tie, as in that case, you will need to have in the 4 cards on your hand at least 2 to combine with the table and form a royal flush. So, in the case of Omaha a tie is not possible.


It is important to notice that in some traditional games such as Draw Poker, it is not impossible to see two royal flushes facing each other. Bear in mind that in this poker variation card suits are irrelevant.

Poker Flush Tie

By reading this article, you have learned that royal flush is the strongest hand, but what should you do to win a better pot if you can form one? You know that psychology is vital when playing poker, so you need to use it along with a good strategy.

Texas Poker Flush Tier

Keep in mind that, even when it is not the rule,it is possible to win big pots with the bets card combination, so let’s see an example about how to play it. You know that you need 5 consecutive cards of the same suit from 10 to A.

  • Cards in your hand: J♣, 10♣, Q♣
  • Community cards: A♣, K♣

In this case, you will have more chances to hide your amazing hand due to the use of two hidden cards, as it is not possiblefor the rest of the players to notice it. As a consequence of this, you will have big chances of winning a valuable pot, even by using the check-rise strategy.

As we said before, in the Omaha variation, it’s not possible having two players forming a royal flush, as they need tou use the hidden cards. What is more, even if in the table the following combination were present: 10♣, J♣, Q♣, K♣, A♣, no player will form the royal flush as they need to use 2 hidden cards at least.

Texas Holdem Flush Rules

Remember that in order to make any strategy work, you will need to keep a poker face in ordet not to allow your own body to betray you. It would be really disgusting to miss such a big chance of making money only for not having the right mental preparation of a professional poker player.

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