
Successful Roulette Players

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Roulette was designed by Blaise Pascal a French mathematician in the 17th century. Some individuals believe it was a combination of Hoca an Italian game and Even-Odd an English game. The earlier American roulette had three house pockets; zero, double zero, and an American eagle which decreased chances of players winning so evolved to European roulette. online roulette has taken the world over the past few years since it has made playing roulette easier since doesn’t need to have roulette table.

How to Beat Online Roulette Table

Online Roulette is a fascinating game of luck with a vast following worldwide. In order to beat the online roulette table, it is essential to watch the Roulette Board at lengthy intervals and play double kind of bets. Keep shuffling the roulette boards as you follow your lucky directions. The red or black bets and the odd or even bets are by far the most promising bets and provide a higher spark of hope.

Online Roulette – play popular casino game for real money in the best online casino. Online Roulette for players from 'United Kingdom'. How to play and win in Roulette.

You can try the martingale or some other systemic distinction that teaches you how to play online roulette exponentially. This means that you have to keep betting in double-ups till you finally win the game. Keep in mind that online roulette is a game that depends on luck and chance, and the most you can do is to put the odds in your favor and enjoy the healthy profits of playing online roulette.

How Online Roulette Works

Online casinos use a program known as a random number generator. The server uses a different number that makes the combination equally possible. The best online roulette system uses a tool that has proven to be successful in reducing the house edge percentage of winning, thus enabling a significant increase in player’s possibility to win. Every time a player uses the system, the numbers are automatically sent to the computer depending on the type of roulette table bet.

Categories of Online Roulette Table Bets

Remember to stay realistic about the long odds on this popular game of chance. Approach roulette with the sober realization that, with a house advantage of 5.26 percent on the American wheel, roulette is among the worst bets in a casino. Despite the odds, you can still use some simple strategies to stretch your roulette. Successful roulette players are also capable of evaluating how likely it is to win with a given roulette bet through the use of simple probability. Each player who seeks to gain the necessary knowledge and experience is required to correctly use all the online roulette tips. Players can bet on games anytime provided that the platforms are fully licensed to operate. Furthermore, it’s all about the diversity of games playable in free demo or real money mode. If you check out the leading providers online from the standard video slots to highly exciting online roulette. Play Roulette Online.

There are two types of online roulette table bets that you can place on the roulette table. Inside bets are placed on the red and black numbered squares. It has six types: straight-up placed on a single number, split, street, corner, basket, and double street. Outside bets are placed in different boxes surrounding outside of the inside betting area and are made up of columns, red/black, odd/even, and even thirds number group boxes.

How To Be Good At Roulette

  • All the different table bets are each placed differently and its important to understand how each works.

Surrender Option to Beat Online Roulette

The surrender rule involves taking into account the annoying ‘0’and ‘00’ considerably when one is playing online roulette. This rule works in favor of the player by returning some or all of their money back together to them if the ball happens to land on either ‘0’ or ‘00’. This means that the effect of the casino house edge is reduced or completely taken away if betting on the inside bets. It may turn out to be your most thrilling bet.

The Andruchi Roulette System

The Andruchi roulette is a system that predicts that a particular number will show up 8 times until all the numbers 1 to 36 turns up. This tip requires patience and a thorough recording of the results in order for you to figure out which might be the winning number. If you religiously follow the betting pattern and have enough patience to wait for the flaw, you can surely win and pocket a couple of bucks.

The Thrill of Playing Online Roulette

The biggest reason as to why most people turn to play Online Roulette is because of the increased chances of winning and the bonuses they offer. So, if you have the proper dedication and strategy and how to implement it in the game, it can be one of the most exciting games. You can also sit down and calculate your bets online as you socialize and make new friends at the comfort of your house.

  1. Pivot Roulette Approach

This is one of the most commonly used approaches in trying to beat the wheel. Once mastered, it helps players make consistent earnings. It uses unequal distribution law that defines that some numbers will appear more frequently than others. It requires players to observe the outcomes without first engaging any bet since it states the game isn't random; hence some numbers tend to repeat as a result more than others, and once you observe the number, use it as your pivot number.

Unknown Facts About Roulette

Although online roulette is known as a pervasive game, few people know that it was developed accidentally. A French mathematician inventor received roulette as a result of his unsuccessful experiment. The first roulette table was recorded in 1796, during which royal and influential people only played it. In 1843 the roulette tables had double zero, but as the online popularity increased, competition increased, and it became clear double zero was not enough; hence single zero was introduced.

Online Roulette Bonus

If you have investigated on online casino games, you might have seen that most of them do not offer bonuses. This is because the bonuses help many players to meet their requirements easily through betting on red and black. However, in online roulette, bonuses are there all you have to do is search and understand the requirements before you sign up to them. Make sure it’s a real roulette bonus and understand the size of the bonus you get for first deposit.

Is Beating Online Roulette Easy?

If you are questioning whether there are easy ways to beat online roulette, it is good to recognize that there are no hard rules or proofs that can help you win. However, trying some online, free websites that offer free trials can make playing roulette easier. These websites allow you to take little risks, and if you end up doing well in that game, note and use it to your advantage when playing online.

Understanding Online Roulette Rules

Two rules exist, the En-Prison and La-Partage. En Prison rule applies to even-money stakes. When the spin lands on 0, the house will allow you to take back half of your bet, or leave it (in prison) for another spin. If the next spin is 0 again, you lose the whole bet. La Partage is for outside even-money bets, and one doesn’t have the chance to leave the bet “in prison” for the next spin; you lose half of your bet.

Types of Online Roulette Wheel

There are two types of online roulette wheels that is the American and European wheel. The main difference between the American and European wheel comes down to the American wheel having an additional subdivision 00 making it have a total of 38 segments while the European wheel has 37. This surges the house edge of the American wheel compared to that of the European Wheel making the European most profitable wheel to play on.

Simple roulette strategies

There are a few betting strategies that can make sure your profit is always more than your loss. When playing the game of roulette, you need to learn how to master the table and understand what is going on at all times. You don’t need to bet on every single spin; instead, you should wait for the specified number of spins until a particular pattern emerges that can help you make a bet more profitable. Know your odds.

Most Successful Roulette Players

Being a game of probabilities, the higher your probability, the greater your chance to win, and its essential to use this fact wisely. With different betting schemes, always choose black or red bet scheme, or odd or even bet scheme. There are two types of roulette tables: American, which has a high house advantage and European wheel, which has a lower house advantage, and knowing the difference can save you a lot of money.

The digital revolution has changed the gambling world forever. Thanks to the internet people can play casino games from the comfort of their own home. Perhaps you want to try your luck with Online Roulette. Just an account and a few bucks is definitely not enough to be successful. It’s better to use following 10 Online Roulette tips.

Knowledge is power at roulette


The most successful Online Roulette players now almost everything about the game. You need to have a very good understanding of the games and the odds. This will make you a much better player.

1 – Practice at the play-money table
You need to practice all the time to be a successful roulette player. Luckily, online casinos use so called play-money tables. This means that you can learn to play online roulette without using real money. Traditional casino’s usually don’t have these kind of tables. Practice and test your strategies at the play-money table until you’re ready for the real deal. It will definitely be worth it at the real Roulette table.

2 – Be brave and try to win with roulette systems
It’s true that knowledge is power in the casino world. It definitely helps when you know a lot about a game like Roulette. Yet, to be successful you also need to be bold sometimes. It can go two ways: either you lose a lot or you’re incredibly lucky. For example, don’t be afraid to try one of the online roulette systems sometimes. You could also play one game on the play-money tables and see how it works out. If it appears to be a good system you could also try to win with real money.

3 – Try different Online Roulette versions
Playing Online Casino has several nice advantages. First of all, you don’t need to leave your home to gamble. Second, you can play all kinds of Roulette versions. Most of the time traditional casinos only offer American or European Roulette. In the online world you can try much more. For example, try your luck with Multi-Tablet roulette. In the last game you can place multiple bets at exact the same time. Some online casino even mix Roulette, Bingo and Lotto with each other. Perhaps trying something else can make you a very successful Roulette player!

4 – Play European Roulette
Perhaps you’re not a big fan of alternative Online Roulette versions. Of course European and American Roulette is also a lot of fun. Most online casinos offer both versions of Roulette. Choose the game with the highest chance of winning, namely European Roulette. It only uses the numbers 1 to 36 and a single zero slot, whereas American Roulette always uses a double-zero slot. As a result, the house edge during American Roulette is much higher than it’s European partner.

5 – Always place an outside bet
Knowledge about a good bet is your key to success during Online Roulette. Successful roulette players know that outside bets are usually better than inside bets. For example, you can place an outside bet on Red/Black or Odd/Even. The 1-18 and 19-36 sections is also considered betting on the outside. When you place an inside bet you choose a certain number that might appear. Of course it would be amazing to see your number turning up. However, there’s a very small chance it will ever happen.

6 – Never bet with too much money
One of the basic rules of gambling is that you must only gamble with money you can afford to lose. This is also the case at the roulette table. Never bet with too much money. For example, when you have 200 euros it’s not exactly smart to slam 100 euros on the table. Big chance you’ll find yourself broke very soon. You need to handle your money during online roulette. To do so, it’s important to know how much you can actually bet. It’s much smarter to pick a small percentage of your money.

7 – Take a break sometimes
Roulette is so much fun that you can play for hours. However, being too long at the Roulette table decreases your chance of winning. Sometimes it’s good to take a break, even when you’re in a lucky strike. Learning to take a break is one of the most important rules of Online Roulette. It stops you making stupid decisions and you’ll be more calm and level-headed after the break.

8 – Use the bonus and win a lot of roulette games
Most online casinos offer a great welcome bonus. You need to make a first deposit to enjoy the bonus. After this you’ll be rewarded with 100 % of your first deposit. This makes you feel welcome at the casino immediately. It’s important to use this bonus well during a roulette game, because the casino still wants to have an advantage. Most of the time you’re required to play at least 20 or 30 times your deposit before it’s possible to withdraw. However, if you win a lot of online roulette games you crush the house.

9 – Don’t drink too much alcohol
It’s seems pretty obvious, but some people like to drink a lot before they play in the casino. Playing at home makes it every more easy to be drunk and spin the wheel. However, this definitely doesn’t enhance your chance of winning. Alcohol has a lot of negative influence on your judgement. Suddenly you think you can win everything. However, having a hangover and being broke afterwards certainly feels terrible. So always stay sober!

How To Be Successful At Roulette

10 – Compare online casinos and read reviews
It’s also incredibly important that you find an excellent online casino. Nowadays you can play Online Roulette almost everywhere on the internet. However, not every casino offers the best quality. The internet is the best place to be to compare online casinos with each other. For example, use reviews from other players. You’ll now immediately if the website offers great games, bonuses and safe and secure software.